Airkat Kon-Dor Modified Folding Knife

Reviewed by archer-ca on June 26th, 2007

Airkat KON-DOR Folder -1Airkat KON-DOR Folder -2Airkat KON-DOR Folder -3

Hi All. Got a new folder last week and have been carrying it since. Man, this is one Mutha of a folder. It can pretty well be my last tactical Folder as it looks like it will easily outlast me.
Built like a tank this tactical Folder was designed for hardcore use. Looking funky and hard lined with all sorts of milling, this knife shows nicely too for any collector.

This beefy beast is of 154CM steel and the handle is of Titanium one side, thick sculpted G-10 on the other. Very comfortable to grip, tip up or down.
With a smooth hinge assembly and a solid liner lock this thing snaps open with authority, telling everyone that something or someone is about to be Owned. Dwaine had the hinge bolt “secured” so that Customs Agents couldn’t flick the blade open. When I received it I just about busted my thumbs on the hand carved thumb studs. “Thanks, Dwaine!” LOL!

The heat coloured Ti clip will take your pocket with it if you tug too hard to draw the knife from your pocket. The clip may be a wee bit too strong. A torx driver and a bit of bending will make the clip easier to work with. Left alone you can be assured if the knife went missing, so is your pants.

You can check out Dwaine Carrillo’s website here


3 Responses to “Airkat Kon-Dor Modified Folding Knife”

  1. danny sullivan Says:

    how much is this knife, it looks like it can be held like a karambit, it looks vicious 🙂

  2. corwin99 Says:

    Most Airkats run in the $600-700 range.

  3. Andy Says:

    If it’s in 100% good condition I would be interested in buying it.

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